Tipka za avtomatski odrez sukanca nam omogoča, da ob zaključku šivanja stroj s pritiskom na gumb sam odreže sukanec, kar pomeni, da nam sukanca ni potrebno ročno rezati s škarjami ali na vgrajenem nožku za odrez.Šivalni stroj Singer Heavy Obligation 4432 je zasnovan z mislijo na vaše zahtevne projekte, šivanje vse od jeansa do platna. Zah
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The legendary Birkin is the epitome of luxury, adorned by style enthusiasts worldwide.Featuring a timeless aesthetic and luxury appeal, possessing a Birkin remains a sought-after goal to numerous fashion enthusiasts.Yet, the hefty price renders it beyond reach to many.Enter the world of Birkin dupes—a stylish alternative presenting the essence of